Freaking awesome show! If you get the chance to see it, please do. There isn't much cursing (one "shit" that I can remember), there is the "n" word mentioned as well as "cracker" - as the story takes place in the American South in the 1950s, it was to be expected. There was a violent beating and a gun going off, so maybe consider the age/maturity level of the child/young adult if they want to go see it.
The music is unlike any "Broadway" type of songs/tunes I have heard before. The songs are likely to be found more at home on the oldies stations than in the theaters. David Bryan (founding member of/keyboardist for Bon Jovi and good ol' Jersey boy made good) wrote all the music and lyrics - extremely talented - no song sounded like another.
I am still slogging through the crap fest that is Ms America and the Offing on Oahu. I hope to knock it out today.