A Place in Her Heart (Harlequin More Than Words) - Trish Milburn

Name/Charity: Linda Burston/Women's Lunch Place

Website: www.WomensLunchPlace.org



A well written contemporary romance centered on reuniting old friends from high school. Needless to say, heroine (Katy) had an intense crush on hero (Cal) in high school and never said a word to him, even as he was leaving for basic training (he ends up a Navy SEAL). She ends up married to an abusive jerk and divorces him years later (after said jerk hit her in public and an officer on base caught him doing that - hello, dishonorable discharge). Katy ended up on the streets until she was introduced to the charity above. Cal is spending time with his family while on leave, so there is HFN ending rather than marriage-and-babies-in-the-epilogue HEA. The relationship was paced evenly and I like that HFN ending, but it felt average - 3.5 stars.