Author J. Michael Straczynski on why he wanted to overhaul Wonder Woman:
This is a character that is interesting enough and compelling enough to merit being in the top twenty books at minimum...so why was she languishing? The reason, I felt, was that she'd concretized over the years, had turned into this really cool Porsche that people kept in the garage because they were afraid of denting it rather than going flat-out on the open road. She had become, for lack of a better word, stuffy. She became the mom of the girl next door you wanted to date.
This was really underscored to me when I used Wonder Woman in Brave and the Bold #33, and many were appalled that Wonder Woman told a joke...that she flirted...that she was relaxed and having fun. One podcaster said that Wonder Woman had become like his grandmother, and he didn't like to see his grandmother being flirty.
Well, I think Straczynski's mission was accomplished! I love this new look and feel to Wonder Woman. She has an outfit that she can actually fight/defend herself, she is both regal Amazonian princess and 21st century street smart to blend into the city. This was only #1-5 of Odysessy, but quite a ride. The half star was taken off due to a little repetitiveness in the dialogue.
I love Linda Carter's tv adaption of Wonder Woman - the sass, the humor, the vulnerability, the spirit. And I see so much of that WW in this storyline, although this is a little lacking in the humor department. I am so looking forward to reading more of Straczynski's work in the WW: Odyssey storyline. 4.5 stars.