The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress - Erica Ridley The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath Is It Just Me? - Miranda Hart The Lullaby: Shaina's Story (Family of Fire) - Lola Grace Stevens

The birthday is in reference to my bug's (daughter) upcoming third birthday, happening on the 12th. I can't believe it has already been three years since she came into our lives. So I have birthday errands to run this week. Among the celebrations, I hope to knock out the following:


1. Finish The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress (Dukes of War #3) by Erica Ridley. I would have had this done already, but the heroine is bugging me to no end.


2. Finish The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I am enjoying the light-heartedness so far, but I know I am in for an emotional ride soon.


3. Start (and maybe finished) Is It Me? by Miranda Hart. Need some non-fiction to break up the monotony of historical fiction I have set aside to read this month.


4. The Lullaby: Shania's Story by Lola Grace Stevens. NOOK freebie and a short 100 pages.