Twice a Rake - Catherine Gayle

This was a rough book to slog through. I won't be reading anything else by this author, although her books have really pretty covers. The words are really ugly on the inside.


I say this a lot, but damn I hate it when New Adult characters/tropes make their way into my historical romance books. This is a grade A example; the heroine is TSTL and if you put a tattoo and beard on the hero, he would be your contemporary romance "bad boy." Not a redeeming quality amongst these two would be lovers (and very little brain cells to boot).


Heroine (Aurora) - selfish, whiny, constantly crying/drama queen, horny, but mostly the biggest DUMBASS in all of London. And the part about her trying to play matchmaker towards the last 25% of the book? A complete failure. She is also a pretty horrible friend to the one person who is still on her side/talking to her after she makes one dumb move after another. Rebecca needed to bitch slap Aurora.


Hero (Quin) is an asshat that didn't deal with his issues stemming from childhood. Once he squared that away, he was okay. But by then I could not care about either hero or heroine. At least he wasn't an idiot like Aurora and was also a better friend to Jonas than she was to Rebecca.


There was a lot of sex scenes in this book and a not a whole lot of character development or change. #.5 stars for me getting to the end of the book without throwing my e-reader at the wall.