My Fair Concubine - Jeannie Lin Mission to Murder - Lynn Cahoon A Dream Defiant - Susanna Fraser High Stakes: The Rising Cost of America's Gambling Addiction - Sam Skolnik High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health - Elizabeth Grossman

Bout of Books



1. To Have Fun

2. To Read More Books

3. To Experience a low-key read-a-thon (24 hour marathons are really intense)


Books Picked:

1. My Fair Concubine (Tang Dynasty #3) by Jeannie Lin - buddy read with Obsidian Blue

2. Mission to Murder (Tourist Trap #2) by Lynn Cahoon

3. A Dream Defiant by Susanna Fraser

4. High Stakes: The Rising Cost of America's Gambling Addiction by Sam Skolnik

5. High Tech Trash by Elizabeth Grossman


In order to complete my goals, I am curbing my habits of being on FB and Twitter so much and not going to watch any movies/tv shows until next week. I may hold off on reviewing books read until it is over so that I can devote more time to reading.


Monday's Progress:

1. Participated in the morning Twitter introduce yourself in six words

2. Read My Fair Concubine 50% completed


Tuesday's Progress:

1. Finished and reviewed My Fair Concubine

2. Started A Dream Defiant

3. Tweeted #shelfie4boutofbooks