Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town - Jon Krakauer

Trigger Warnings:

Graphic retellings of sexual assault

Graphic retellings of rape


First, I will like to point out this was my first time reading a Krakauer book, but it will certainly not be my last. I am making a point to reading his backlist.


This book was solid long-form journalism, but with better writing. The consequences of rape culture in America is on full display here; so much of what written in the book was also playing out this week due to the flimsy sentencing of Brock Turner (Stanford swimmer) of rape. I don't know if it was good timing that I read this book this week or not.


There are a lot of very ugly and incompetent people in authority positions in Missoula (both town and county). But a lot of my disgust with what happened in Missoula rests with the voters and residents of Missoula, who like to prioritize football and winning (in a conference that isn't even on a high tier in college football standards) over the safety of female college co-eds. And this is repeated in so many other college towns.


5 stars due to stellar writing. Summer Bingo square "Hard Book" because of the rage inducing content of the book.