This series is like a drug to me; no matter how bad it gets, I still want more. This installment was no different.
Schuyler may be the MC (and savior of the Blue Bloods....eventually) but it gets really tiring reading about how emo/hipster she is (Klimt is too popular as a Vienna painter for her taste as an example) and her angst is at a level that is just annoying. And the love triangle between Oliver/Schuyler/Jack is nauseating at this point. What does either guy see in Schuyler?
Luckily, this book is saved by Bliss' storyline and Mimi's purposeful bitchiness that moves the plot of the series forward. The book starts off so slowly (like in previous books) and doesn't really get going until the half way mark, then "omg, THAT happened!" ending that makes you want to read the next book asap.
The writing is easily at a MG reading level (due to drinking and sex by teenager vampires, it is considered YA) but the world building is so different from other vampire lore/origins that you still can get sucked into wanting to know more about these particular vampires. The chapters are short and written in alternating perspectives (Schuyler, Mimi, and Bliss) to give only a snapshot of what is going on; this is very much a peel back the onion slowly type of series.
3 stars and already 10% into the next book in the series.