The Flash, Vol. 1: Move Forward - Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul

Fills in the Time Travel square on DC Comic Book Bingo card


Barry Allen is getting comfortable with his powers, yet learns (at the most inappropriate moments) more about how to tap into those powers. He is also getting over having to live two separate lives, one as Barry and the other as The Flash. There is a lot of plotline devoted time portals and disrupting the fabric of time, but it was a little too mish-mashed to make a whole lot of sense. I did enjoy the growing romance between Barry and Patty, his co-worker and fellow scientist. Iris West was annoying most of the time. I loved the artwork, but the story had one plot line too many for a cohesive and engaging reader experience. 3 stars for the romance and the artwork; I think I will stick to reading about The Flash in the JLA or as a team up with Superman or Batman.