Fills in Family Ties square on the DC Comic Book bingo card
Fills in Mythic square on the DC Comic Book bingo card
Trigger Warning: workplace sexual harassment and domestic violence
Mera (aka Aquawoman) is having none of your human patriarchal bullshit. She has much bigger fish to fry, namely, how she promised her father she would kill Arthur (aka Aquaman) and how she has learned how noble and heroic her hubby is and how much the seas (and people) need him. This was the perfect story I needed to read after this week. The art is beautiful and Mera's costume is both sexy as hell and actually fully clothes her at the same time. 4 stars.
The story of how Atlantis sank and how to stop Black Manta from taking out a group known as The Others is the storyline in the other issue I read. The story was okay, but the artwork was absolutely gorgeous! This Aquaman is very modern and much sexier/less cartoony than the old school version. 3 stars for this issue.