March: Book Two - John   Lewis, Nate Powell, Andrew Aydin Prom and Prejudice - Elizabeth Eulberg The Sun Trail (Warriors: Dawn of the Clans) - Erin Hunter, Wayne McLoughlin Double Love - Francine Pascal, Kate William

This weekend is a five-day vacation for my son, due to school being closed (for students; teachers are still at work due to training requirements). This comes after last weekend's unexpected four day weekend (Friday was a snow day - the 1/2 inch of accumulated white stuff totally was worth closing school...and Monday was a holiday). And the kids are now on countdown to their respective birthdays. Just saying, keep me and my sanity in your thoughts.


This weekend is also the winter edition of 24in48 Read-a-thon. I found that breaking up my reading into four hour blocks is easiest to accomplish (3 blocks per day) and allows me to sleep. I'm going to try and knock out a few Romance Bingo squares and Pop Sugar prompts, so I went with some quick reads for the TBR:


1. March Volume 2 by Rep. John Lewis

            I read the first volume last year and my library just got this volume in; fingers crossed that volume 3 has at least been ordered. Pop Sugar prompt: book with pictures.


2. Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg

           A re-telling of Pride and Prejudice for YA Romance square. My first attempt at filling this square didn't end with a HFN or HEA (OOPS!), so it was disqualified in my opinion. This time, I read the last few pages to ensure this book did have a correct ending before I borrowed.


3. The Sun Trail (Warriors: Dawn of the Clans #1) by Erin Hunter

    Pop Sugar prompt: book with a cat on the cover. Found this while looking for a YA romance book.


4. Double Love (Sweet Valley High #1) by Francine Pascal and Kate William

            Double time: meets Romance Bingo square for twins and Pop Sugar prompt: book from childhood. First read this book when I was eight (a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....New Jersey in the 1987).


For those of you participating in 24in48, good luck on your goals and I hope you have fun!