Romance Bingo square - Urban Fantasy
I downloaded this book as a NOOK freebie a long time ago, and I needed an urban fantasy/ paranormal story for Romance Bingo, so I figured now would be a good time to read it. The story was a great way to spend time while at the base Laundromat. It is a short paranormal novella (about 95 NOOK pages) about Ava, a human liaison/town sheriff of Crossroads, Mississippi and Julian, the werewolf alpha. I dig werewolf shifter romances, and Julian came to impress and did he ever impress me. Ava was actually a smart heroine when it came to dangerous situations. They worked together as a romantic couple and as partners to find and bring in the killers after them. It was a little short, but page turning. I want to read a lot more from this author in the future and this series!