Is It Just Me? - Miranda Hart The Mercy of the Sky: The Story of a Tornado - Holly Bailey Fever 1793 - Laurie Halse Anderson The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow - Olivia Newport Saga, Volume 1 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game - Michael Lewis Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street - Michael Lewis The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine - Michael Lewis Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World - Michael Lewis Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt - Michael Lewis

Last round.....


Day 10 Rainbow - IG post from COYER Summer 2017 edition


Day 9 Spines - another IG post from COYER Summer 2017 edition


Day 8 Funny - Is it Just Me? by Miranda Hart (and it is a shame she isn't more loved by folks in the US)


Day 7 Sad - The Mercy of the Sky by Holly Bailey (the part when she wrote of the rescue and recovery at the elementary school killed me)


Day 6 Time - Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson (a great middle grade book about a yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia)


Day 5 Place - The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow by Olivia Newport (Chicago during the World's Fair)


Day 4 Plans - my bedroom will be center stage for my reading - it is the only place I can get some quiet.


Day 3 Break - I plan on taking a break to sleep. A short catnip can give the reader a better recharge than drinking caffeine. I plan to get a few hours over the course of the read-a-thon.


Day 2 New - Saga series by Brian Kl Vaughan and Fiona Staples


Day 1 Stack - Books by Michael Lewis I have read and recommend:


                       Liar's Poker

                       The Big Short


                       Flash Boys