What a convoluted mess of a storyline. Morrison must have been tripping on some magic mushrooms to come up with this event. Not impressed at all, and the "intermission" of the crisis to go into two Superman tie-ins to the Final Crisis was worse than the major plotline.
I need science fiction to make sense if I am willing to suspend my disbelief; the science fiction in this book (issues #1-7, plus Final Crisis: Submit issue 1) is just random buzz words from tech bros combined with philosophical bullshit. It was headache inducing.
This wasn't just about saving humans/Earth, but all peoples and all planets in the 52 universes that make up DC. So a lot of minor characters show up without context or the need to have them there. Major characters are given the short stick in terms of page counts and panels. There are also so many plotlines; the JLA are all separate and just doing their own thing and yet the reader has to read about all their separate outings. It was a constant channel surf without a focus. Wonder Woman, Batwoman, and Catwoman go evil and become Darkseid's Furies yet we only get a glimpse of how WW went evil. Batman gets put in a jail cell early in the story and then disappears for 200 pages, just to show up again to die. There are three The Flash (Adam, Barry, and Wally), four Green Lanterns (Hal, Jon, Guy, and Alpha), and Too. Damn. Many. Alternate. Supermans (all from parallel universes). I don't think I even knew the real enemy - Monitor? Dark Seid? That stupid otherworldly vampire whose name I already forgot?
The Superman tie-ins were all about Superman and his parallel selves fighting Monitors to get an antidote to save Lois Lane. Not a fan of LL, so I didn't care about these issues at all.
The artwork was okay, but so many fights and explosions was draining on my eyes. The minor characters' costumes seemed to blur into a sea of blue and yellow after a while.
A confusing, headache is what this event was. I can't recommend. At least I got another square filled.