The Finest Hours: The True Story of a Heroic Sea Rescue - Michael J. Tougias, Casey Sherman

I watched the Disney movie based on the adult book back in January 2017. It was great (read: Chris Pine and Eric Bana provided eye-candy) and one of the special features of the DVD was the screenwriters interviewing survivors/witnesses and showing stuff from the museum. I had made a point of wanting to read the book, so when the 2018 PS challenge came out and the first prompt was "book that was made into a movie you've already seen" I knew which book I would read for it. 


Here's the deal - I don't care about boats, nor do I care to read endless paragraphs of boats structure, size, etc. If you do, read the adult book; I went with the YA adaption of the book so I could get to the actual story faster and not read mind-numbingly pages of boat details. The problem was that it was written for more the MG crowd than YA; the writing at times seem choppy and I couldn't really connect with the people in the story; I felt the movie was better in getting the audience to care about the rescuers and those on the oil tankers. There was also too many people, especially the ones on the oil tankers, profiled - it was hard to keep them separate in my head while reading.


Still it is a decent story for those MG readers that want to know about an important event in the ever-evolving history of disaster management.