My oldest is home today due to one of his wisdom teeth coming in a very painful way (painful enough to make him not sleep at all last night and nauseous which led to mommy cleaning up puke from my living room floor and the 24hour convenience store on base this morning). He is finally sleeping and not in pain, so he is on the road to recovery.
My reading plans include finishing The Fifth Risk and start working on President 1972. I borrowed season six of Call the Midwife, so that will be my binge watching for the week. My daughter is competing in the British Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu Championships on Sunday, so I get to spend Mother's Day in Newmarket watching my girl throw other kids to the floor/get thrown to the floor.. It is her first competition (unfortunately, also her last as her type of ju-jitsu is not taught back in the US so she will have to find a new martial art to study when we move next month).
Hope you all have a safe, wonderful weekend (and here's to hoping the rain will stop and it warms up a bit - hey England, it's May for FFS).