*bookish meme created by Moonlight Reader


This week I am treading water. The one book I borrowed from the library I read. I have a bunch of in-process of reading books; so once I FINALLY finish a book or two, I hope that will give me momentum to finish all the other books. I did spend a lot of time writing reviews for the books I did read on my blog; they took longer because I am still trying to figure out how WordPress works.


For February's reading (in addition to January's reading I didn't get finished), I am concentrating on novellas for any non-challenge reading time.


Print Additions



Nook Additions



Kindle Additions



Library Additions


1. The White Darkness by David Grann


Digital: None


Print Reads



NOOK Reads



Kindle Reads



Library Reads


-1. The White Darkness by David Grann


Digital: None


TBR from last week: 319

Additions: 1

Reads: 1

Total for this week TBR: 319