Mrs. Martin's Incomparable Adventure - Courtney Milan

Title: Mrs. Martin's Incomparable Adventure 

Series: The Worth Saga #2.75

Author: Courtney Milan

Publisher: Self-Published

Published Date: March 26, 2019

Format: Kindle

Page Count: 144 pages

Source: Own Copy

Date Read: June 1-2, 2020




This was a very cathartic read. It was angry and very burn it all down, but in a romantic-buddy comedy style. Beatrice Martin is not in the mood to deal with her asshole of a nephew; however, when Violet Beauchamps comes calling for her to pay his debts in order for her to retire, Beatrice is down for a trip to London and start some shit. What follows is Beatrice's and Violet's Excellent Adventure. There is a choir, a flock of geese, a public shaming in front of nephew's gentleman's club - and literally some burning down some shit. Plus there is a wonderful romance between Beatrice and Violet, women in their sixties. This story had everything and I loved it.